
第61章 犯罪(10)(3 / 3)

[70] Charles P.Pfleeger and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger,Security in Computing,4th edition,Prentice Hall.2007.

[71] Tsutomu Shimomura and John Markoff,Take-Down:The Pursuit and Capture of America's Most Wanted Computer Outlaw—By the Man Who Did It,Hyperion,1996.

[72] William Stallings,Cryptography and Network Security:Principles and Practice,5th edition,Prentice Hall,2010.

[73] Clifford Stoll,The Cuckoo's Egg:Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage,Doubleday,1989.

[74] Adam Thierer and Clyde Wayne Crews Jr.eds. Who Rules the Net?Internet Governance and Jurisdiction,Cato Institute, 2003.


[1] Jude Milhon(1939-2003),网上代号为St.Jude,是互联网上最知名的女黑客之一。 ——译者注


[3] 把司法部(Department of Justice)改成了"Department of Injustice"。 ——译者注

[4] 这样的病毒造成的损害很难以精确估计,因此这些金额可能会比较粗略。


[6] 这里是对该条款的一个简化描述。

[7]食品券(Food stamp)是美国面向低收入人群发送的一种食品救济券,可以在指定的超市购买必要的生活用品。食品券卡(Food stamp card)是一种以电子方式发送的食品券。按照规定,用食品券换取现金的做法是不允许的,但也不会被追究刑责。 ——译者注

[8] Smishing这个词的来源是“SMS(即短消息服务)+fishing”。


[10] 指新加坡总理李显龙和前总理李光耀。 ——译者注

[11]Jack Goldsmith and TimWu,Who Controls the Internet?Illusions of a Borderless World,Oxford University Press,2006,p. 149.