
第88章 错误、故障和风险(9)(2 / 3)

[3] Richard Epstein,The Case of the Killer Robot,John Wiley and Sons,1996.

[4] Richard P. Feynman,What Do You Care What Other People Think?W. W. Norton &;Co.1988. Includes Feynman's report on the investigation of the explosion of the Challenger space shuttle,with many insights about how to,and how not to, investigate a system failure.

[5] Jonathan Jacky,"Safety-Critical Computing:Hazards,Practices,Standards,and Regulation,"in Charles Dunlop and Rob Kling,eds,Computerization and Controversy,Academic Press,1991.

[6] Nancy G. Leveson,Safeware:System Safety and the Computer Age,Addison Wesley,1995.

[7] Nancy G. Leveson and Clark S. Turner,"An Investigation of the Therac-25 Accidents,"IEEE Computer,July 1993,26(7),pp. 18– 41.

[8] Jakob Nielsen,Designing Web Usability:The Practice of Simplicity,New Riders Publishing,2000.

[9] Donald Norman,The Invisible Computer:Why Good Products Can Fail,the Personal Computer Is So Complex,and Information Appliances Are the Solution,MIT Press,1998.

[10] Donald Norman,The Psychology of Everyday Things,Basic Books,1988. A study of good and bad user interfaces on many everyday devices and appliances.

[11] Ivars Peterson,Fatal Defect:Chasing Killer Computer Bugs,Times Books (Random House),1995.

[12] Henry Petrovski,To Engineer Is Human:The Role of Failure in Successful Design,St. Martin's Press,1985. This book is more about engineering in general,not computer systems design,but the principles and lessons carry over.