
第78章 评估和控制技术(10)(1 / 2)

[2] Ronald Bailey,ed,Earth Report 2000:Revisiting the True State of the Planet,McGraw Hill,2000. Includes much data on improvements in the environment,resource usage,food and energy production,and so on.

[3] Sven Birkerts,The Gutenberg Elegies:The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age,Faber and Faber,1994. Birkerts is a critic of computers;he writes on a typewriter.

[4] John Brockman,ed. Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?Harper Perennial,2011.

[5] Rodney A. Brooks,Flesh and Machines:How Robots Will Change Us,Pantheon Books,2002 (also,Vintage,2003).

[6] Theodore Caplow,Louis Hicks,and Ben J. Wattenberg,The First Measured Century:An Illustrated Guide to Trends in America,AEI Press,2001.

[7] Benjamin M. Compaine,ed.The Digital Divide:Facing a Crisis or Creating a Myth,MIT Press,2001.

[8] W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm, Myths of Rich and Poor:Why We're Better Off Than We Think,Basic Books,1999.

[9] Peter J. Denning,ed.Talking Back to the Machine: Computers and Human Aspiration,Copernicus,1999.

[10] Michael Dertouzos,The Unfinished Revolution:Human-Centered Computers and What They Can Do for Us, Harper-Collins,2001.

[11] Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler,Abundance:The Future Is Better than You Think,Simon and Schuster,2012.

[12] Hubert L. Dreyfus,On the Internet,Routledge,2001. Criticisms of hyperlinks and the organization of information on the Internet.

[13] Hubert Dreyfus,What Computers Still Can't Do:A Critique of Artificial Reason,MIT Press,1992. How well did Dreyfus's arguments hold up? Can computers now do some of the things he said they could not do?

[14] Samuel C. Florman,Blaming Technology:The Irrational Search for Scapegoats,St. Martin's Press,1981.