
第78章 评估和控制技术(10)(2 / 2)

[15] Merritt Ierley,Wondrous Contrivances:Technology at the Threshold,Clarkson Potter,2002. Looks at expectations for and attitudes about many earlier technological devices.

[16] Jean-Noel Jeanneney,Google and the Myth of Universal Knowledge:A View from Europe,Univeristy of Chicago Press, 2006. The author is president of the France's Bibliot'eque Nationale (National Library).

[17] Bill Joy,"Why the Future Doesn't Need Us,"Wired,April 2000,www.wired.com/ wired/ archive/8.04/joy.html. A response by Virginia Postrel is listed below.

[18] Ray Kurzweil,The Singularity Is Near:When Humans Transcend BiologymVikingm2005.

[19] Todd Lappinm"D'ej'a Vu All Over Againm"WiredmMay 1995mpp. 175–177m218–222. A comparison of predictions of the social impact of radio 75 years ago and the predictions for the Internet.

[20] Jerry Mander and Edward GoldsmithmedsmThe Case against the Global Economy and for a Turn Toward the Localm Sierra Club Booksm1996. Extremely critical of computer technologymautomationmand technology in general. Argues that globalization should be halted and reversed.

[21] Joel Mokyr,The Lever of Riches:Technological Creativity and Economic Progress,Oxford University Press,1990.

[22] Stephen Moore and Julian Simon,It's Getting Better All the Time:The 100 Greatest Trends of the 20th Century,Cato Institute,2000.

[23] Hans Moravec,Robot:Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind,Oxford University Press,2000.

[24] Donald A. Norman,Things That Make Us Smart:Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine, Addison-Wesley,1993.