
第79章 评估和控制技术(11)(1 / 2)

[25] Eli Pariser,The Filter Bubble:What the Internet Is Hiding from You,Penguin Press,2011.

[26] Roger Penrose,The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers,Minds,and the Laws of Physics,Oxford University Press,2002. Penrose argues that artificial intelligence cannot duplicate the full range of human intelligence.

[27] Neil Postman,Technopoly:The Surrender of Culture to Technology,Alfred A. Knopf,1992.

[28] Virginia Postrel,The Future and Its Enemies,The Free Press,1998.

[29] Virginia Postrel,"Joy,to the World,"Reason,June 2000,www.reason.com/news/show/ 27725.html. A response to Bill Joy's article listed above.

[30] Kirkpatrick Sale,Rebels Against the Future:The Luddites and Their War Against the Industrial Revolution:Lessons for the Computer Age,Addison-Wesley,1995.

[31] C.P.Snow,"The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution."In this speech,Snow argues that people in the humanities and people in the sciences have fundamentally different views of science and technology. The speech appears,with an update, in C.P.Snow,The Two Cultures:And a Second Look,Cambridge University Press,1964.

[32] Mark Stevenson,An Optimist's Tour of the Future,Avery,2011.

[33] Clifford Stoll,High Tech Heretic:Reflections of a Computer Contrarian,Anchor Books,2000.

[34] James Surowieki,The Wisdom of Crowds,Anchor,2005.

[35] Vernor,Vinge,"The Coming Technological Singularity:How to Survive in the Post-Human Era,"presented at the VISION-21 Symposium(sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute),March 30-31,1993, www-rohan.sdsu.edu/faculty/vinge/ misc/singularity.html.

[36] William Wresch,Disconnected:Haves and Have-Nots in the Information Age,Rutgers University Press,1996.